Customizing Mars

Infinite replayability for Terraforming Mars

After dozens of plays of Terraforming Mars, we decided that the standard setup needed more variety. Over the course of three years, one pandemic, and hundreds of additional plays, we created a fully customizable experience – nearly infinite permutations of maps, milestones and awards, and global parameter bonuses.

This website details those design processes, shares downloadable Print-and-Play versions of our fan-made expansions, and also contains links for you to order your own copies of our "final prototypes" from The Game Crafter.

The Customizing Mars Design Blog

Designing Custom Milestones and Awards

Designing Custom Maps

Printable Versions

We highly recommend the tactile feel of the punchout versions available from The Game Crafter above. We love ours! But if you want to DIY it, we're making printable versions available as we can.

Customizing Mars: Rules & Instructions

Includes rules for Custom Everything!

Customizing Mars: Custom Milestones and Awards


Customizing Mars: Custom Maps


Customizing Mars: Custom Maps, with Background

PrintableWarning: 150 MB

18 New Fan-Made Preludes

(Not part of the Customizing Mars board set.)

Components available on The Game Crafter

Custom Everything!

(Map, Milestones and Awards, Board Frame and Bonuses)

Custom Maps

Custom Milestones and Awards

Custom Global Parameter Bonuses

18 New Fan-Made Preludes

(Not part of the Customizing Mars board set.)


We can be reached at customizingmars (at) gmail (dot) com. We love customizing Terraforming Mars and would be happy to hear from you!